How I work

I work with several tools that are very complementary and allow me to support you at different levels. These tools can be declined with children, teenagers, adults, couples or families.


EMDR (Eye Movements Desensitization and Reprogramming)

Allows to work on our past undigested emotions, that keep influencing our present life. Thanks to this method, that has been validated by scientific research, we can stop reliving our difficult past and be more available to the present moment, to ourselves and to others.

Holding hands

Lifespan Integration

Works towards the integration of difficult events of the past, and of our whole lifespan, which reinforces our resources and our self-esteem. This therapy also acts on developmental and early traumas (without conscious memories), and allows to create a secure mode of attachment.


Transgenerational and systemic therapy, and family constellations

Allow to work on the influence of our family system. Many issues can be inherited from past generation without our conscious knowledge. This work offers methods to set ourselves free from them, and to create more harmony in the whole family system.



Offers many tools to help us towards a more peaceful relationship to our body, emotions and thoughts. We will learn to be more open to the present moment and to take some distance to our emotions and thoughts, while also accepting them. This will support you with dealing with anxiety, anger or sadness.

Non-Violent Communication

Non-Violent Communication

Helps to acknowledge our needs and emotions, and learn to express them to others with respect. It also allows us to really listen to others with interest, openness and empathy.


Play and drawing

Allows to relate in a creative way to children of course, but also sometimes to teenagers and adults. According to age or situations, it can be difficult to express our issues or desires through words. It is then through playing (board games, building games, imitation games, etc.) ou drawing (or collages) that we can communicate.