About me

Picture of Elsa

As a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, I love supporting people through their transformation process, and providing them with practical tools to know themselves better, and free themselves from difficult past events.

I keep witnessing how we all possess the inner keys and ressources to transform the trials/hardships of life, and create a more harmonious life for ourselves. My job is to help you access these ressources, find your inner compass, and spread your wings.

For many year, I have been on a journey towards more understanding and compassion for myself and others. I receive support from different psychotherapies, many readings and seminars, and of course my training as a clinical psychologist.

I left Paris in 2017, after having worked there as a clinical psychologist, to travel the world during 8 months. I then resided in Pyrénées Orientales, before settling in Dordogne at La Roche-Chalais.

Training and professional experience

As a trained clinical psychologist (from Paris 5 Descartes University), I worked near Paris in the Psychiatric Emergencies of a public hospital, as well a in an organisation providing parental support.

To complement my university curriculum, I took several additional trainings:

  • Diplôme Universitaire de Périnatalité
  • Diplôme Universitaire de Psychologie Transculturelle
  • Training for the main jungian concepts and art-therapy with the Savoir Psy School
  • Training for Non-Violent Communication for healthcare professionals with Pascale Molho
  • Training for the Toucher Conscient method with Soraya Melter and Aniko Kovacs
  • Training for facilitating Women circles and Red tents with Camille Sfez
  • Training for facilitating Family Constellations with the Idris Lahore method, at the Libre Université du Samadeva
  • Training for EMDR with the Ecole de Formation des Professionnels EMDR Europe (EFPE)
  • Training for Lifespan Integration (levels 1 and 2) at the Double Hélice institute